Vikram's favourite Sardarji Jokes.

     Q:   How do you measure a surd's intelligence?
     A:   Stick a tire pressure gauge in his ear!

     Q:   Why do surds wear their hair up?
     A:   To catch as much as they can that is over their heads.

     A:   Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in the corner.

     Q:   A surd going to London on a plane, how can you steal
          his window seat?
     A:   Tell him the seats that are going to London are
          all in the middle row.

     A:   Run like Hell....he's got a hand grenade in his mouth.

     Q:   How do you make a surd laugh on
     A:   Tell him a joke on Wednesday.

     Q:   What is the surd doing when he holds
          his hands tightly over his ears?
     A:   Trying to hold on to a thought.
     Q:   Why did the surd stare at frozen orange
          juice can for 2 hours?
     A:   Because it said 'concentrate'.

     Q:   Why do surds work seven days a week?
     A:   So you don't have to retrain them on Monday.

     Q:   What did the surd do when he noticed that someone had
          already written on the overhead transparency?
     A:   He turned it over and used the other side.

     Q:   Why did god give surds 2% more brains than horses?
     A:   Because he didn't want them shitting in the streets
          during parades.

     Q:   How does a surd measure his/her IQ?
     A:   With a tire gauge!  (da da dum)

     Q:   How do you make a surd laugh on Monday mornings ?
     A:   Tell them a joke on Friday night !

     Q:   How do you confuse a surd?
     A:   You don't. They're born that way.

     Q:   How do you keep a surd in suspense?
     A:   (I'll tell you tomorrow.)

     Q:   How do you keep a surd busy?
     A:   Write 'Please turn over' on both sides of a piece of paper.

     Q:   Why can't surds make ice cubes?
     A:   They always forget the recipe.

     Q:   How did the surd try to kill the bird?
     A:   He threw it off a cliff.

     Q:   What's the difference between a surd and a computer?
     A:   You only have to punch information into a computer once.

     Q:   Why do men like surd jokes??
     A:   Because they can understand them.

     Q:   Why do surds wash their hair in the sink?
     A:   Because, that's where you're supposed to wash vegetables!

     Q:   How many surds does it take to change a lightbulb?
    A1:   "What's a lightbulb?"
    A2:   One. Heholds the bulb and the world revolves around hin.
    A3:   Two. One to hold the Diet Pepsi, and one to call, "Daaady!"

     Q:   What does a surd say when you ask his if his blinker is on?
     A:   It's on. It's off. It's on. It's off. It's on. It's off.

     Q:   What do you get when you offer a surd a penny for his
     A:   Change.

     Q:   What do you call 10 surds standing ear to ear?
     A:   A wind tunnel.

     Q:   What do you call a surd in an institution of higher
     A:   A visitor.

     Q:   What do you call a surd with half a brain?
     A:   Gifted!

     Q:   What do you call a surd in a tree with a brief case?
     A:   Branch Manager.

     Q:   What do you call a smart surd?
    A1:   A golden retriever.
    A2:   An indicator of a really bad hangover.

     Q:   What do you see when you look into a surd's eyes?
     A:   The back of his head.
     Q:   What do a surd and your computer have in common?
     A:   You don't know how much either of them mean to you until
          they go down on you.

     Q:   What do you do when a surd throes a hand grenade at you?
     A:   Pull the pin and throw it back.

     Q:   Why is the surd's brain the size of a pea in the morning?
     A:   It swells at night.

     Q:   A surd ordered a pizza and the clerk asked if he should
          cut it in six or twelve pieces.
     A:   "Six, please.  I could never eat twelve pieces."

     Q:   What's five miles long and has an IQ of forty?
     A:   A surd parade.
     A:   Hesaid "Yes, I've seen it done."

     SURD #1:  "Have you ever read Shakespeare?"
     SURD #2:  "No, who wrote it?"

Personally I believe that surdars are really not as stupid as I make
them sound but then who am I to make such a  comparison. At any rate
they always seem to wind up with the hottest chicks. Maybe, it is je
alousy I reflect in my humor. I do not know.

any more surdy jokes email me.

Send comments and mail to Vikram

[email protected]